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Operation Popcorn

Operation Popcorn occurs every year in December and is a way for us to thank those that make organ donation and transplant possible.
Each year in December, BC Transplant volunteers who are transplant recipients, living donor, and donor families visit hospitals and transplant clinics around the province to thank the health care professionals that make organ donation and transplant a reality. 

Delivering festive boxes of popcorn, Operation Popcorn is an opportunity for people most grateful for the gift of life to say thank you. Health care professionals often only get to see the tragic side of organ donation as they support families of donors, dealing with the loss of a loved one. Operation Popcorn allows them to see the people whose lives have been saved thanks to their hard work and dedication. 

We look forward to showing our appreciation to transplant clinics/wards/teams for their care to over 6,000 transplant recipients in B.C. as well. It’s our favourite time of year! 


SOURCE: Operation Popcorn ( )
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