BC Transplant provides funding and guidelines on medication for transplant patients.
For the latest transplant medication guidelines, please see the document below:
Patients in BC are required to fill their prescriptions for the transplant medications at one of the 13 BC Transplant partner pharmacies.
BC Transplant funds specific out-patient post solid organ and pancreatic islet transplant medications. These include immunosuppressants, select anti-viral agents and red blood cell stimulating agents. As with immunosuppressants, for coverage of Erythropoietic Stimulating Agents (ESA), the prescription has to be dispensed at one of our BC Transplant pharmacy partners (***no exception***). Please ensure patients are not on dialysis, have eGFR less than 50 mL/min, hemoglobin less than 95 g/L, AND transferrin saturation (TSAT) greater than 22%.
In order for these specific medications to be paid for by BC Transplant, patients who have received a solid organ transplant must be registered with BC Transplant, have active status with BC Medical Services Plan (MSP) and be a resident of BC.
To align BC Transplant’s maximum day supply of medication coverage with other government agencies such as BC Pharmacare, BC Cancer, and third-party insurance companies such as Pacific Blue Cross, BC Transplant funds the usual 100 day (three months) supply of BCT formulary medications. However, for patients who are clinically stable from a transplant perspective, a four-month supply may be dispensed at the discretion of the pharmacist. For more details, review the
BC Transplant Maximum Day Supply policy.
Drug interaction cards are available from BC Transplant and designed for patients to highlight the importance of drug interactions and to keep their healthcare professionals informed of any changes to their medication.

To order these cards, please contact BC Transplant's head office. You can also print off a temporary card here.